المؤتمر الدولي حول تطبيقات علوم و تكنولوجيا الاشعاع


The saga of the radiation sciences goes back to the astonishing discoveries by Röntgen and the Curies at the turn of the twentieth century. Driven initially by the quest to comprehend the complex effects of radiation fields on chemical processes, radiation chemistry, in particular, has emerged as a valuable tool for understanding the intricate chemical reactions of importance to a variety of disciplines. It has also found wide-ranging commercial applications in such areas as materials processing,

health care

, food and agriculture. While the development of ultrafast techniques such as pulse radiolysis has allowed for the exploration of important chemical processes, the simultaneous technological development of high intensity gamma radiation sources and

high powered

electron beam accelerators has assured the radiation sciences' ongoing tryst with industry, leading to the successful commercial utilization of many of the applications developed by scientists and researchers. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), working in close partnership with its Member States as well as with professional scientific bodies and the industry, has striven to maximize the contribution of radiation sciences and technologies towards the achievement of the Member States' development priorities in a safe manner.

While acknowledging the many innovations and accomplishments achieved in the field of radiation sciences so far, it is now time to take a comprehensive look at their status in academia and industry in the years ahead and their ability to meet the challenges of contemporary times. Radiation scientists are currently engaged in addressing issues related to producing advanced high performance materials through 'green' industrial processes ensuring cleaner environment, attaining a thorough understanding of the chemical effects of radiation under extreme conditions (which is important for extending the lifetime of present nuclear reactors, making their fuel cycles safer and secure to operate), and overcoming impediments regarding the transportation and storage of waste materials (which requires novel approaches to address the complicated chemistry at interfaces). Radiation technologists on the other hand are faced with such tremendous challenges as ensuring the safe and reliable operation of large radiation facilities, implementing requisite international standards for process control, ensuring the continued supply and transport of large cobalt-60 consignments across continents, and developing a new generation of high power electron beam accelerators and X-ray sources for emerging applications. Besides radiation processing applications, there are other radiation technologies such as the use of radiotracers to improve and optimize the performance of industrial processes, as well as to study environmental processes, and the use of nucleonic measurement systems to control the quality of products.


The first IAEA International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST-2017) will provide a unique opportunity to achieve the following specific objectives:


To review:

-key developments in the applications of radiation science and technology as well as the 'state of the science' in this field;

-national, regional and global initiatives for implementing proven industrial applications that lead to socio-economic benefits and strengthen capacity building in Member States; and

•To serve as a composite platform through which industry and academia can foster new initiatives for ensuring the success of radiation technologies in meeting the emerging challenges in various areas.

Format and Topics

A series of plenary sessions will address the topics listed below, and the conference programme will include invited keynote speeches from representatives of academia and industry, oral presentations and panel discussions. A poster session will be organized to allow ample time for discussion and interaction among participants. A final

round table

session will review the main conclusions drawn in the plenary sessions and will summarize recommendations for the future development of radiation sciences and technologies.

The scope of the conference is meant to cover, but is not limited to, the following topical areas:


•             Recent advances in radiation chemical sciences

•             Current radiation technology trends

•             Setting up of new radiation facilities

•             Production and transportation of cobalt-60

•             New generation electron beam accelerators and X-ray sources

•             Radiation sterilization

•             Radiation modification of polymeric materials

•             Radiation chemistry in the synthesis and design of nanomaterials

•            Development of advanced materials using radiation technology

•             Surface curing using radiation technologies

•     Radiation treatment of gaseous pollutants, industrial wastewaters, municipal wastewater, sludge and emerging organic pollutants

•             Use of radiation technology for cultural heritage

تاريخ بدء الفعالية 27/07/1438 08:00 ص
تاريخ إنتهاء الفعالية 01/08/1438 03:00 م
مكان الإنعقاد: فيينا - النمسا
تصنيف الفعالية: مؤتمر
رابط موقع الفعالية: http://www-pub.iaea.org/iaeameetings/50814/International-Conference-on-Applications-of-Radiation-Science-and-Technology-ICARST-2017
دور الجامعه: مشاركة